Elvia Ursula Aventurin.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most high
Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1) NIV

With sadness we announce the passing of our Sister, Aunt, and Niece

Elvia Ursula Aventurin
Born: May 1st 1966
Died: May 14th 2011

Sisters:                 Agnes Aventurin and family
                                Mary Renfurm-Aventurin
                                Elmora Aventurin-Pantophlet and family
                                Sandrine Aventurin

Brothers:             Carl Aventurin and family, Elroy Aventurin and family
Adopted brothers:          John Bridgewater, Edmond Stroop
Nieces and Nephews:    Joseph, Fidel, Tamara and Ghanja O’Flaherty, Miselle and Elvy O’Brien
                                                Keila Marie, Carlina, Clementina, Carl and Johanna Aventurin
                                                Juancho and Zenobia Cannegieter
                                                Tasana, Khalilah, Karencia, Eldrina and Quan Aventurin
                                                Dimitri Beauperthuy, Aaliyah Aventurin
                                                Shanaiska, Nijesca and  Nisheisca Stroop
                                                Jamal Bridgewater
    6 great nieces and nephews

Brothers in Law:               Antonio Pantophlet and Henry Renfurm
Sisters in Law:                    Viki O’Flaherty and Yvonne Stroop
Aunts and Uncles:           Suzette Mills and Florence Tyrell and their families
                                                Viviane, Patricia, Brenda, Agnes, Sandra and Oliver Belle and their families

Cousins too numerous to mention, amongst them: Jenny, Marilyn, Ramona, Rigobert, Shirley, Rosie, Nicole, Twony, Robby and their families
God Children:                    Jamal Bridgewater and Zenia Cannegieter
Friends:                                Kaye Henderson, Glenda Smith, Beverly Peterson, Sylma Lammar, Clifford Brooks, Irma Salomon, Elva Blijden and Felicia Thomas-James, Lestor Hughes and Leo Smith.
                                                Her Methodist Church family and especially Members of Class #4 of Cole Bay Methodist Church, her Colleagues at Pelican Resort & her Bussiness associates of People’s Sanitation.

She was related to the:  Aventurin, Powell, Belle, Richardson, Tyrell, Mills, Coram, Brown and Sutton families.

Wake will be held on Wednesday May 18th from 7:00pm to 9.30 p.m. in the John Hodge Hall at the back of the Cole Bay Methodist Church.

The Funeral arrangements for the late Elvia Ursula Aventurin will be held on Thursday May 19th, 2011 at the Cole Bay Methodist Church. Tributes and viewing will take place from 2.00 p.m. until 3.00 p.m. Service commence at 3:00 pm.

Interment will follow at the Cape Bay cemetery.

The Management and staff of Emerald Funeral Home would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.

May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace