Carnival Session in Court.

PHILIPSBURG:--- During this carnival period the Prosecutors Service acts firmly against people who misbehave. The two men (18 and 21 years old), who were arrested with a machete during Jouvert Morning Jump Up have spent a number of days in pretrial detention and will have to appear in Court on June 19, 2014. Further, a man who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, was arrested for destruction of a window of a parked car. This man was taken into pretrial detention as well and is also summoned for the so called carnival-court hearing on June 19, 2014.
Usually the date of the court hearing lies further away from the day of arrest. Given the importance of a festive carnival, the Prosecutors Service created space in the court hearings schedule to make it possible to prosecute suspects of crimes committed during carnival sooner.
The Prosecution emphasizes that it is an offense to carry a knife or other weapon, especially on public roads. During a crowded carnival this is a major safety risk. The Prosecutors Service will continue a strict policy the coming week.

Press Release from the Public Prosecutors Office