Inspectorate of Health Notice on Food & Water Safety.

The Inspectorate of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour (VSA) informs the general public that as many minimarkets have already resumed services and as some major supermarkets will resume in the next days to provide relief, all have been inspected by the Inspectorate VSA.
All selling points with frozen food a/o meat where there has been no continuity in cooling a/o freezing capacity in the past days have been ordered to destroy these consumables under the supervision of the Inspectorate.
The public is still strongly advised to only rely on canned a/o dried (sealed) consumables. In all other cases please verify the look, color, smell and expiration date. If in doubt do not consume. Always cook all food thoroughly.
The inspectorate also informs that currently the only available “ready to drink” water is distributed by government and other services or available at selling points as bottled water or in sealed plastic containers.
Due to the damage the distribution network suffered from hurricane Irma water from the GEBE network must be brought to boil before consumption. This is until further notice. The water can be used freely for washing, house cleaning and flushing.
Well water can only be used to shower, for flushing and general household cleaning. Be aware, one can develop a skin rash from showering with well water.
Eating spoiled food or drinking contaminated water are risks to your health. You can develop vomiting and or diarrhea. In case of serious illness or if you do not trust the condition, please consult your doctor.