What have YOU done lately?

In these challenging times we rightfully monitor every move made by our government. We pay our fair share in taxes and thus demand full account on how our government is spending (or not spending) our collective funds. But...how much do we rely on our government?

There are many social ills in our society just like in any other society, but do we seriously expect our government to take care of all the issues that we are facing as a community? The majority of us feel like it is not our problem, because we are not the ones stealing or we have clothes on our back and food to eat that we worked hard for. But what is the drive for someone to steal? Why is someone hungry? Why someone hardly has any clothes? The less fortunate in our society did not choose to be without money.

We grew so accustomed of complaining about the things that our government does not do, that we totally forget that WE are the ones living in this community and that WE as a community carry responsibilities for each other and our environment. Is it so hard to give the clothes that you don't wear anymore to charity? Is it so hard to spend some time with youths and guide them in sports? Is it so hard to drive an elderly person to, for example, SZV so that the elderly person can take care of his/her business? Is it so hard to do some shopping for someone who is disabled or less mobile in any other way? Is it so hard to skip a movie or a night out and donate some money to a school in a nearby district? Is it so hard to help keep our streets clean? Is it so hard to help making sure that our children playgrounds are glass free?

We all know the saying: "Today for you and tomorrow for me". Ask yourself what YOU have done lately. We will leave you with the following quote:

"However capable and skillful an individual may be, left alone he or she will not survive. When we are sick or very young or very old, we must depend on the support of others. There is no significant division between us and other people, because our basic natures are the same. If we wish to ensure everyone's peace and happiness we need to cultivate a healthy respect for the diversity of our peoples and cultures, founded on an understanding of this fundamental sameness of all human beings."
Dalai Lama

Soualiga Social Movement