Do not despair, but join us in restoring NATIONtalk on the air.

As producer of the radio-program NATIONtalk, which was removed from the air under pressure from certain anti-St.Martin agents, it behooves me to respond to the many people who have contacted us expressing dis-belief and a profound sense of loss that this program at present no longer is aired.
No one can dispute any longer that NATIONtalk has come to represent the identity, the heartbeat, the concerns, aspirations and in fact, the very conscious soul of all native-indigenous St. Martin people.
In addition over the years NATIONtalk has earned the respect and interest of a growing number of expatriates, St. Martiners-at-heart residing on the island, as well as many foreign investors, who have discovered the potential of the program NATIONtalk as a most unique, credible and effective platform for consensus-building in the vitally important process of nation building, which is part of any overall sustainable and stable development on the island, including being the strongest and most logical basis for any new constitutional development.
Many of our former listeners are now in fact experiencing serious psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms, because the program had become integral part of their lives just like their lives had become integral part of what NATIONtalk was all about.
Especially, since the program has been off the air for a number of weeks now, a sense of frustration and anger is starting to set in, in the minds of many people.
This is exactly what the program had always tried to prevent, since it could lead to serious social consequences.
Therefore, I have decided to inform you our many supporters of NATIONtalk, that we expect to be back on the air and online in the near future.
In the interim we are in the process of checking off all viable options, including approaching various radio-stations on the island.
We will report back on their responses in due time.
However, there are other creative options, including more technological advanced ones being looked into as well.
In ending, in preparation of the 'new dawn' of NATIONtalk, we invite especially those persons, interested in becoming involved as hosts, co-hosts, contributors, IT-specialists and otherwise to contact myself or any other associates of NATIONtalk for more information.
Also, you can contact your favorite radio-stations and also make your suggestions to them directly in terms of your need for NATIONtalk as a major platform for information, education and inspiration.
Rest assured, that as long as God gives me life, together with my team, Jesse, Etique, Chris, Diane, Larissa, and many others, I will continue doing my part in promoting a new, and meaningful Partnership with relevant stakeholders, regardless of creed, color or religion to contribute towards the St. Martin nation building process, based on preservation of our ancestral rights, while embracing diversity that brings along added value to our nation.

Thank you for your support and trust.