They are no more rumors, slander and libel....
Verdict has been past, on former Commissioner Louis LAVEIST based on evidence proven as factual in the opinion of the Judge.
And with that, the long awaited 'die has been cast'.......
According to the verdict, Commissioner LAVEIST is no longer considered 'innocent until proven guilty'....he WAS found guilty in the court of law.
Short and sweet shall be our comment.....
Although there should be no rejoicing when one is condemned in court, at the same time, no one should feel to be able to stand above the law, regardless who it is !
In the future, those in Government found guilty of abusing their positions and enriching themselves at the expense of the taxpayer, should be made to repay every dime.
In addition, if necessary their properties, vehicles etc.should be confiscated and their bank accounts seized.
Furthermore, they should be banned from holding public office for good, making them having to WORK for what they want, as opposed to using the power of the office to 'fatten their pockets'.
Serving jail time is NOT enough to get the message across, that being elected into public office is about SERVICE to the people. Such penalties would send out a loud and clear message to those in Government who, over the years have filled their pockets and betrayed public trust by abusing their the power of their office.
In addition, it would take away all incentives from those WANTING to go in Government for the sole purpose of self-enrichment.
Finally especially of importance in this phase of our constitutional process, it would contribute towards creating a NEW political climate and 'soil' in which a new breed of political leaders can can be born to lead this country based on moral principles and principles of good Governance.
Going into any 'Country status', without a 'cleansing process' is totally irresponsible and therefore unacceptable.
First let justice prevail....and then AFTER we consider 'status-change'.

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia