Whatever the premises are, as by some miracle, I agree with the Opinion written in the TODAY-newspaper of Tuesday, June 23, 2009, by managing-editor Hilbert HAAR.

I also thank him for publicly expressing his respect towards me for being fearless in expressing my opinion, although they are most of the time, for very good reasons, not to his liking.

It is well documented, that I have often PUBLICLY expressed my concern about people being allowed to hide behind anonymity and fake identities, mostly to assassinate some one else’s character, all under the guise of ‘freedom of expression’, but without a level ‘playing field’ for self-defense by the accused.

While it might be understandable and even justified under specific circumstances to protect one’s real identity, there are also some very real dangers.

One being, that one’s reputation can be easily destroyed and one easily intimidated, it can result in a very dangerous and ‘shady’society.

In such a community, eventually paranoia can take over, since the anonymous author can be anybody, far away or even standing right behind you or sleeping next to you.

Is that the type of ‘Country status’ we are moving towards ?

In addition, especially where blogging is concerned, real anonymity does not exist and the real identity of the author can be traced eventually to the very person if needs be.

That of course, should not take away the great value, importance and potentials of blogging.

However, it should make us all responsible and accountable for what we write.

After all, imagine that one day, one’s identity is revealed and publicized.

Would one then be willing and able to bear the consequences ?

‘Throwing stones and trying to hide one’s hand’ might appear to be effective and exciting for the perpetrator.

But, in the process, a hand might be caught and hacked off.

The choice is yours,



Leopold James

President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia