Great step in the right DIRECTION.....

But, still a very long way to go to convince myself and all conscious St. Martiners !

How ?

Bestow REAL honor on these great heroes and all the others, who are now DEAD by SECURING and PRESERVING their NOW living descendants, which are the CURRENT native-indigenous St. Martiners as well as their rights to be FIRST in their own country.

This should not be only rhetoric, but it should be ANCHORED in the constitution of 'Country St. Maarten'.

That would be far more meaningful than 'honoring' the dead, while betraying their LIVING descendants.

Just like Government officials show pride in fighting for the 'human rights' of (illegal)immigrants, there is absolutely NO excuse, why they can not defend and preserve the rights of the people of the land to be first-citizens in their own home-land.

If there will a 'country St. Maarten' in NAME only, but in reality some 'many culture society'...then change the name to 'Country MANYCULTURE' .

Remember, one can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all of the time.

Let us get for real, 'Country St. Maarten'


Have great day,

Leopold JAMES,

Native-indigenous St. Martiners with pride, minus any apologies!