From accepting cheap rhetoric, empty promises and lip-service to demanding proofs of commitment....

With the exception of a few un-repenting 'die-hards' & 'party-cult-followers', St. Martin people are showing strong signs of an emerging sense of pride, intelligence and ability to distinguish between lip-service and real, genuine hard-core commitment.
Gone, therefore are the days that people would blindly entrust their very heart, soul, property and vote to politicians, who looked and talked oh so (much and) 'nice'.
Over the years, many politicians have developed that 'bs-skill' as their most potent and successful 'modus operandi' to be elected over and over again and to 'amass' wealth, property and forget about the people power once in public office.
Anyone who 'dared' even question them would run the risk being 'made an example', demonized, ridiculed and intimidated.
To prove their 'loyalty to party', certain followers would be more than willing to execute theses 'honorable' type of tasks.
That was how brain-washed and conditioned many people have been for generations.
Forget that their own leaders never really cared for them or their families and that they were simply taken for granted...
No more that.......
A paradigm-shit, a transformation, a mental revolution is in the psyche of many St. Martiners is rapidly replacing that mental slavery
It might not YET have risen to the point where they OPENLY question their leaders.
But, that should hardly be considered a 'comforting thought' to any political leader.....
this because it are the PRIVATE confessions that tell a whole DIFFERENT story.
While, yes, many might not like the MESSENGER, most certainly understand and fully agree with the MESSAGE !
St. Martin people of ALL possible, political and other persuasions feel totally DECEIVED and BETRAYED by ALL the present politicians.
These politicians out of 'one corner of their mouth', give great lip-service and TALK the St. Martin-talk.
But, when it comes to transforming all these beautiful expressions into COMMITMENT, they find all kinds of ridiculous EXCUSES not to commit themselves.
Excuses, like BLAMING 'Curacao' and the Europeans for our misery or, suddenly they have previous commitments to attend abroad.
Nevertheless, no matter how much the political leaders and their media-henchmen might want to portray us, fact of the matter is that many of the politicians OWN followers and family-members are seriously 'cooping' if they think they can continue to think that 'lip-service' is still an asset that can BUY the trust of the St. Martin People.
There is change in the air and soon the people will demand commitment for if politicians want their vote..
It is like asking for a loan from the bank.
You only get it, when you COMMIT your valuable assets to the one who will only then entrust you with the so desperately want.
So, soon the politicians will only be entrusted with what they desperately want which is your vote, only AFTER they have COMMITTED their signature as asset to a COVENANT with the people on issues of critical importance to the St. Martin people..

Have a nice weekend,

Leopold JAMES
President of the only, undisputed, loyal grass root St. Martin nation building & unification movement and still.....
Proud, native-indigenous st. Martiner without apologies and compromise.