OPEN LETTER TO 'TAG-TEAM' Ready when you ready….

At present, there are 'those' who have just initiated a political campaign and conspiracy against me, Leopold JAMES under some guise of 'informing' the people on using their daily 'platform'.
As such, we can look forward to them forming a political 'tag-team', to demonize the messenger called Leopold JAMES, because he is making his people, 'too smart for comfort'.
So, the 'tag-team' is expressing resentment about him so-called daring to have insulted a politician.
Not any politician of course, but THEIR 'political idol' .
Never mind that this particular 'idol' talks, oh so nice, but is not willing to respect, nor to honor St. Martin people with real commitments to fighting for their causes.
To the 'tag-team', I say welcome and 'make my day'.
Just remember, that I have never been in it for some 'show' or for a 'little money', but as a commitment towards my St. Martin people.
Just check my record, which you both are very familiar with.
Also, that same record will show that I have never made it my business to 'throw stones and hide my hand'.
In 1986 for instance, still a young man, I bought my own television time and openly and directly addressed Mr. WATHEY and gave him a piece of my mind.
For the record, he was at that time one of the most powerful men in the region and at the top of his power.
There were three persons, I then told of my plans to go on tv.
One was none other than one of the 'tag-team'-members, Mr. Julian ROLLOCKS.
That was some 35 years ago.
So I would not know how today to 'throw a stone and hide my hand' even if it it was related to Mr. ROLLOCKS himself.
To put it in plain language.
If the 'tag-team' wants to try to do 'damage-control' for their political party, by going after me, by all means, 'be my guest'.
I am ready, able and most definitely willing to comply.
Just let the game start.......
Those Chicken leg & Johnny cakes days are over.
people want to know whether the politicians, ALL politicians are willing to commit themselves to protecting St. Martin people, or intend to continue with more of the same 'smile-& lip-service'.
it is about a choice THEY have to make.
NO-ONE is forcing them, and they and they full well know that as well. They can fool some of the people some of the time, but most definitely not all of the people all of the time.

Leopold JAMES
proud, native-indigenous St. Martiner without apologies and compromise!