Advice to those Commenting on SMN News.

French Quarter:--- SMN News team noticed over the past months that there have been some people who strive on making horrible, if not very degrading comments under the articles that are published on SMN News. Almost everyone is being attacked by a few people that we at SMN News already pinpointed. It should be noted that IP addresses can be traced through various ISPs on St. Maarten/St. Martin even if users try to hide or reroute their IP addresses through other countries. SMN News has the tools in place and professionals to conduct the necessary traces. In order to protect the readers of this website we have decided not to display the IP addresses so that law enforcement would have to travel the legal route to obtain the IP addresses of comments they feel can assist them in solving crimes.

The main idea of the comment section was to allow readers to voice their opinion in a constructive way which would assist in building St. Maarten/St. Martin as a country and nation. The owner of this website was attacked on several occasions but as usual the SMN News team believes everyone has a right to their opinion even if what they are thinking and writing is pure trash.

Therefore, we are appealing to our readers to use the comment section of this website in a more constructive way. Let your voices be heard, be more objective and instead of finding faults and criticizing everyone provide possible solutions to the problem this country is facing.

While this article is meant to be an advice and warning to our readers, everyone making comments should think twice before they do so because those affected can approach us if they feel their character was assassinated and they want to take action via the court system.