Go Green and Win with WIB for Earth Day.

To receive statements online via WIB@Home

PHILIPSBURG:--- On April 23rd, International Earth Day, The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. (WIB) will start a campaign with the slogan "Click and Go GREEN!" for clients who select to receive online-only statements via WIB@Home.

In celebration of 'Earth Day' and for a period of 3 months, starting on April 23rd until July 31st, WIB customers can change to receive their monthly account statements online and have a chance to win one of three Kompa Leon Money cards valued at Naf 500.00 each. All statements are accessible online for a minimum of 2 years. It's easier than you think. Log on to your WIB@Home account and make your green contribution by activating the 'online-only statement' option.

Don't have WIB Online Banking? Well this is the time to get it. WIB Online Banking enables customers to perform their banking needs from a personal computer or other mobile devices anywhere, anytime with any one of our convenient services: WIB@Home (for personal accounts), WIB Direct Business (for small & medium sized businesses) and WIB Direct Corporate (for larger sized companies). Sign up, click and activate to receive 'online-only statement' and WIN!

Other 'green' products WIB has to offer are:
Energy Alternative Loans, Easy Charge (Cell Phone recharge) SMS to recharge your prepaid cellphone.

Do something good for yourself and your environment and click to activate and receive your online-only statement today. For more information, visit the WIB website at www.wib-bank.net, visit your nearest WIB branch or call your Partner in Progress at 546-2880 or 546-8881. WIB supports "Going Green"! Come and join us.