Fish the Mega Boss Retained Calypso Monarch Crown --- Roxxy, Crowd’s Favorite Placed First Runner Up.

carnivalcalypsowinnerswithcheques29042013Philipsburg:--- Most of the ten participants including the reigning King Fish "the Mega Boss" took the Bada Bing alleged bribery investigation as their topic for the 2013 NAGICO Calypso Finals held Sunday night at the Festival Village. The idea seemed a bit too monotonous and it appeared as though calypsonians did not look very hard for more pressing issues that are affecting the community or the small man to use as inspiration to send their messages across to the persons they elected to office.

Roxxy (Roxanne Webster) hit home with her second song when she challenged the judges and those involved in the Calypso Finals to be fair when judging and to give the youths and upcoming singers a chance to move up the ladder. Roxxy brought on stage a number of youths to depict how much the youths of the island are left behind while winners are selected based on who they know or what connections they may have with the judges or those in charge of the show.

The ten participants including the reigning King who was defending his title all jumped on the Bada Bing scandal in one way or another. King Beau Beau depicted what was shown on tape involving Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge (Willy Bounce) when he brought a painted white man on stage on a desk with his laptop and gave the now embattled MP a number of fake hundred dollar bills. Even though King Beau placed a lot of effort in depicting corruption, he did not score enough to be one of the winners. He said Patrick Illidge (Willy Bounce) is his friend but he was there to tell the truth. Beau Beau said even though the Bada Bing recordings were done since 2012 it was kept in the dark just in time for carnival so he could sing about it since the I-3 Member of Parliament took the stage last year when he sang his song and vowed to make a change.

Another Member of Parliament that was mimicked Sunday night was MP Romain Laville who is accused of threatening MP Jules James with a gun. A strange performance during the 2013 Calypso Finals were a number of Police Officers (mostly Bavpolers) were used by the calypsonians to get their messages across. These officers were fully dressed in their uniforms.

At the end of the show which lasted until 3am, supporters and onlookers were judging among themselves as they waited for the judges' decision. It was clear that Roxxy's message created a stir among the crowd. Some people said she made their blood boil as she was singing. Her words were clear and the message was based on what has been taking place on St. Maarten for years. Among those that were discussing were veteran singers and culture icons who said that if the judges cheat or crowned someone else as the champion Sunday night it would show favoritism.

Just before 4am the judges delivered their scores and the thoughts of crowd became a reality when Roxxy was declared first runner up. The judges awarded Roxxy with 820 points for her overall performance. She was awarded with a check of $3,500 from the main sponsor NAGICO Insurances and a trophy. The Mighty Brat came in second with 807 points, he received a check of $1,500 and a trophy.

Fish the Mega Boss retained his title when he was declared the 2013 Calypso Monarch. He received a check of $10,000.00 from the main sponsors of the show and a trophy. Mega Boss in his first song said he was not singing for a crown, instead he was focusing on the issues affecting the people of St. Martin while the Government claimed they were going to work for the people. His second song "Don't Lock Them Up" focused on the Bada Bing scandal. This time he had a judge and two persons, one depicted Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams and the other Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin whom he said promised to work for the people and to make laws but thus far that has not yet been done. Instead of locking up the politicians Mega Boss said put them to work since they are already paid by the tax payers. Sarah was given a saw, while William was given a hammer and their job was to assemble a broken cabinet while Mega Boss sang his song. At the end of the song, the judge began dancing with Fish and as he opened his black robe for the crowd to see there were dollar bills clipped inside and "Bada Bing" written on his t-shirt. The judge ended off with dancing with Sarah before leaving the stage.

The SCDF also honored four persons during the Calypso finals for their contribution to carnival over the years, they were Don Hughes, Celeste Beauperthuy, Fernando Arrindell, and Rene Wilson Jr. (COTO). The awards were presented to the honorees by the reigning Junior and Senior Carnival Queens while President of the SCDF Micheal Granger looked on.

Click here to view more photos of the 2013 Calypso Finals held in Festival Village Sunday night.