Jean Rene Duret Criminal Case sent to Constitutional Court for Clarifications --- Defense Questions Jurisprudence.

jeanreneduretandlawyer21112013MARIGOT:--- Territorial Councilor Jean Rene Duret who is also an employee of SEMSAMAR has some more waiting to do since his lawyer Maître Jean Yves Leborgne posed several questions about the articles of the criminal code that were used to prosecute Duret for being involved in a case of conflict of interest.

Maître Leborgne told the court that article 432-12 of the criminal code is not clear and he believes that the court needs to get clarity on this particular article of the criminal code prior to continuing with the case. Maître Leborge based his arguments on articles 5 and 8 of the déclaration des droits de l'homme as he presented his arguments to the court.

Prosecutor Flavien Noailles agreed with Maitre Leborgne and suggested that the court send the questions the defense posed on the criminal codes to the Constitutional Court for clarification. The panel of judges also agreed with the proposition made by Maître Leborgne saying this is exceptional for them, but they will grant the defense their request. The case against Jean Rene Duret will continue when the court receives those answers.

Maître Leborgne also criticized the way the Gendarmes on St. Martin are conducting their investigations, he said based the file he has before him the Gendarmes did not provide any proof to show that his client committed any crimes. He said the only thing he saw are references made to articles published by one of the French newspapers.