SXM Achievers Toastmasters Club’s 1st meeting for 2014/2015.

shamikadeweever24072014PHILIPSBURG:--- 'New Beginnings' was the theme that signaled the SXM Achievers Toastmasters club's first meeting for the 2014/2015 Toastmasters year held on Thursday July 10th, 2014. The club is off to a great start. The meeting was packed with 7 spectacular speakers and an array of role players.

Everonique Levenstone, aka Eve, a mother of three, a university student, a community volunteer and a full time employee at an accounting firm, presented her 'Ice Breaker'; her first presentation as a Toastmaster. Eve certainly broke the ice to a crowd of approximately 28 persons. She also currently holds the position of Treasurer for the SXM Achievers Toastmasters Club. Toastmaster Eve knows that with Toastmasters she will be able to move from the backseat of her activities to the forefront where she can and will excel.

The SXM Achievers club also received its first Competent Communicator Award for the year at its first meeting. Shamika de Weever, current Vice-President of Membership for the same club, gave a suspense-filled presentation about taking care of your health entitled 'Tik...Tok...Boom'. Toastmaster de Weever emphasized that exercise helps maintain good health and is a way to de-stress. We must determine when our clocks will "Tik...Tok...Boom".

Competent Communicator is the first goal one can receive in the Communication track of the Toastmasters International Organization. Toastmasters International states that "Members learn communication skills by working in the Competent Communication manual, a series of 10 self-paced speaking assignments designed to instill a basic foundation in public speaking". Toastmaster Shamika completed these 10 projects over the past year and now holds the designation of Competent Communicator (CC).
kareemrombley24072014The Club also received its first Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) award for the year, awarded to Toastmaster Kareem Rombley. He too had to complete a series of projects to attain the Competent Leader (CL) award, the first award in the Leadership track of the program, followed by the next step, the Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) award.
Kareem is one of the senior members of the SXM Achievers Toastmasters club and has served the club at many functions. He has served as the club President for the 2010-2011 toastmasters year.

It's imperative that persons take the plunge and join the Toastmasters organization in a quest to develop communication and leadership skills.
Juliet Ambrose recently did just that and is one of the newest Members of the SXM Achievers club. She is excited to embark on this new journey.

The SXM Achievers Toastmasters Club welcomes the public to join their exciting and enlightening meetings every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at the Hillside Christian Schools, Asha Stevens Campus in Cay Hill at 7:30PM. Toastmasters International is world leader in communication and leadership development. For more information feel free to visit or