Stop, Drop and Go Project moving forward successfully.

stopdropandgoguns21102014PHILIPSBURG:--- Public Prosecutor Tineke Kamps said that the "Stop, Drop and Go Project" that was launched last week by the Police and Prosecutors Office is moving forward successfully. Kamps said on Tuesday some 11 firearms were turned in by 4pm, so far since the project was launched some 17 firearms were handed over to the Attorney General's Office on Welfare Road Simpson Bay. Among the firearms that were turned in were various revolvers and pistols of various calibers. This means the total of the handed firearms is 17 thus far. Kamps said the Public Prosecution Service and KPSM are very satisfied with the cooperation of the people of St. Maarten. Anyone who wants to surrender a firearm can do so every day from 8:30am to 4.30pm at the Attorney General’s office, Wellfare Road #68 in Simpson Bay. Stop, Drop and Go runs until October 31, 2014. The Public Prosecutor said that as a precautionary measure persons that are submitting firearms should not walk with the firearm in their hands on the street. Weapons that are meant for turning in should be placed in a brown paper bag and transported in a plastic bag. When transporting the weapon all bullets must be removed from the chamber of the weapon.