Police Conducted a Joint control on Saba.

saba111052009The Bottom:--- On Thursday May 7th and Saturday May 8th members of the 0-Tolerance team assisted by several police officers from Curacao, the Custom department, Marechaussee and Police officers in Saba held a joint control on that island.
The controls were held at the harbour and airport and also different locations known as hotspots on that island. As a result of these controls and ongoing investigation with regards to the importing of illegal drugs into the island, one man with initials K.L. was arrested and is in custody for further investigation.

saba211052009Police also detained a transport agent working for a well known transport company that operates between the Windward Islands, was detained for a short while in Saba by the Custom Department and police.
This detention was in connection with the fact that this agent travelled on behalf of the transport company with a large sum of money and not declaring that with the Custom Department. The transport company was given a hefty fine after which the agent could continue his journey.