Prime Minister Marlin encourages public to attend “The Law Matters to You”.

wmarlin05012015PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of Sint Maarten William Marlin invites the general public to attend the first law lecture in a series called, “The Law Matters to You,” a joint project between the Department of Communication and the University of St. Martin.

The first lecture is about the “Joint Court of Justice & the Legal System on Sint Maarten” by Judge Mauritsz de Kort. The event is scheduled at the University of St. Martin on March 29, 2016 at 7pm at the USM, room 202.

Prime Minister Marlin said that the population knowing the laws of the land is crucial in a democracy.

“This joint project between the DCOMM and USM is an admirable one, it is important for the public and private sectors to work together in the interest of the general public. And by bringing these lectures, especially this one on the court system, allows the public to learn a lot, to hear from someone who is within the system, and who can speak from authority on the subject.”

The prime minister continued, “With this in mind, I invite the general community to come out and hear and learn about the Joint Court of Justice & the Legal System on Sint Maarten. In addition, this event serves as an example that we have to start molding our own to be judges.”

Prime Minister William Marlin, responsible for the Ministry General Affairs, will give a welcome address to the audience on the importance and significance of the law, and lecture series.