sarah07062009Philipsburg:---Democratic Party leader Sarah Wescot Williams whose resignation has become valid on Monday June 8 and who would be moving across the isle in the island council has issued a statement informing the population on their achievement while in government. Below is the full text of the statement.
"After 10 years of uninterrupted government rule, the Democratic Party has started a new chapter in its political life.
A chapter, where work on behalf of the people of St. Maarten will have to be carried out from the opposition benches for the time being.
It is a chapter that has been forced upon us, but might be the best thing yet to happen to the Democratic Party.
As strange as this might sound coming from my mouth, it comes like a breath of fresh air, albeit with some apprehension, comparable with children making the decision to leave their parental home. You can try to keep them from going for as long as you can, you can fight it, you can try to persuade them, but once they have made that decision to leave, it remains a matter of the right time and potential opportunities for themselves.
Preserving the home and its inhabitants becomes even more difficult when members of the house no longer see eye to eye. And like every departure out of any "house", a good house cleaning always helps to overcome the disappointment and the accusations.
Looking back on the DP years in government, there is no denying, there have trying times. But overall for me nevertheless extremely rewarding. Not rewarding in a monetary sense of the word, but rewarding because of what we have been able to do for the people of this island.
Many changes have taken place on St. Maarten during the past 10 years. Changes in government, in our society, in politics, you name it. We have seen much positive growth and development; and not only in the economic sense.
In government we have moved far away from the time when governing this island could have been done by spending 2 hours a day in office.
Today, 24 hours in a day are not sufficient for those who want to move this island forward.
Constitutionally we have moved from the time it was said No, absolutely not to granting St. Maarten any change of status. We have moved to where today we command the respect of every partner in the Kingdom for St. Maarten, its drive, its commitment and its determination.
This I could never have done alone.
I am grateful for the support of the people of St. Maarten and to have served them, in this capacity for nearly 10 years, day in, day out, through hard times and good times. I thank the people not only for their support at the polls in 1999, 2003 and 2007, but also for their support of the entire Democratic Party during all these elections.
I thank especially all the people of Sint Maarten for the trust that they gave me to work on their behalf, and that is what I did for the last 10 years, steadily, tirelessly, relentlessly, daily and often times nightly.
The people allowed me this space.
While I had and still have some fierce critics, they are few in numbers. The people of St. Maarten looked out for me personally, as they would do a mother or a sister. They were concerned about my health, my wellbeing, my state of mind.
The support of the people of St. Maarten also manifested itself in the prayers bestowed on me and the members of my party in government. For this I am extremely grateful.
What we have achieved over the last 10 years could never, never have been accomplished, unless many others, especially our civil servants did not go out of their way, and some beyond the call of duty to achieve for St. Maarten what we have achieved.
The members of the DP, each and every-one of you, thanks for your loyalty and commitment to this party. Don't change this for any reason. We have faced fiercer storms and have prevailed.
My staff, what more can I say. How does one say thanks when it deserves more than thanks. When thanks begin to sound shallow, because you say it so often. Yet, I say it again. Whatever you continue to do, do it with passion and conviction.
Even midway our term of office, all of you have the right to be proud. For what together we have been able to accomplish.
And so does my family, for each of you in your own special way being there no matter what. Not for the glory, but for me, who you realize , is driven by a passion for this island and its people, that is unequaled and your respect because of it.
My last campaign slogan was country above self. And this is how I live and work. Country above self, and with me I know of so many others who do as well, and I thank you.
This for us, the Democratic Party is not the epilogue, but rather a new chapter for the Democratic Party, and a new era in the chronicles of our island St. Maarten .
We, your Democratic Party's representatives remain in the position that we were actually elected to by the people of St. Maarten and that is the island council of St. Maarten.
2 of the 6 seats given to the Democratic Party have abandoned us. Our number in the island council has subsequently diminished, but the soul and the heart which are the members, the supporters, the well-wishers, each and every individual, remain strong and more committed than ever to keep the party for which they have labored, going strong and moving forward. Never yet in modern times have we been defeated outright by any one political party, and by the grace of God and the strength of the Almighty we will continue to be strong and true to the principles on which this party was founded.
Every so often the tree needs to be pruned so that the branches can shoot anew and strong, nurturing the new leaves that will grow in abundance."