Regional Jet Express brings cheaper, faster service to the Caribbean.

Regional Jet Express announces its impending launch October 18th , which will see the company become the only jet operator in the Caribbean when it establishes daily flights to 5 islands next month.

Regional Jet Express’ Fairchild Dornier 328 jets will serve ; Dominica; Puerto Rico; Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic; St. Croix and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands; Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. Regional Jet Express will add Cuba and Haiti to this list of island destinations soon, using non-U.S. registered aircraft for these two countries.

The Fairchild Dornier 328 jet is the world’s first 32-seat regional jet, which was adapted from Dornier’s 328 turbo-propeller plane, the premier turboprop in the 30-seat class. A regional jet is simply a short-haul, turbofan-powered aircraft used for commuter flights.

Major commercial airlines that have used Fairchild Dornier’s 328 jets and its turboprops for their commuter flights include Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation (AWAC), Delta Connection, Hainan Airlines, and Midwest Connect.

The fuel-efficient, wide body twin turbofan-powered Fairchild Dornier 328 jet features:

Two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW306B turbofans that provide better fuel efficiency and higher speed than other forms of transport in the Caribbean region, resulting in halved flying times and cheaper fares (Fares range between $100 USD and $700 USD, depending on the destination)

• A spacious cabin that offers two seats on one side and one on the other, and ample cabin height (headroom) of 6 feet, two inches

• A whisper quiet ride unlike noisy turbo-propeller planes that fly in the Caribbean region

• Cutting-edge technology that allows the 328 jet to climb fast (3,690 feet per minute) and land on short runways; its state-of-the-art cockpit has the same instrumentation as a Boeing 777

• A seating capacity of 32 to 34

• An upper altitudinal limit (flight ceiling) of 35,000 feet

• A high-winged design that enables excellent views because the wings and engines are positioned above the windows

The Wyoming-based Regional Jet Express will have a satellite office in St. Croix, USVI. Contact the Regional Jet Express call centre at 1-767 440-7184 to access flight/reservations information. The call centre will start accepting phone calls shortly. It will operate Monday through Thursday from 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m., and Friday as well as Sunday from 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.