Day Long Central Committee Meeting to Debate Brooks Dismissal.

Philipsburg:--- Members of the central committee took most of the day yesterday receiving first hand information on the dismissal plans of GEBE Managing Director William Brooks.
Attending that meeting there were members of the supervisory board, the stakeholders as well as Brooks himself who has been criticized for his management skills as well as his attitude towards his employees.
Yesterday's meeting came after an island council meeting was called last week to question the executive council on the matter, which relates to a young St. Maartener.
Brooks is accused of allowing GEBE to run out of fuel late December even though he was aware of the matter as of late November.
In an invited comment island councilman, Frans Richardson said the supervisory board of GEBE is micromanaging the company and some of the board members of GEBE are not in favor of the decision taken by the supervisory board mainly the former managing director and now chairman Julius Lambert.
Richardson said the supervisory board could not substantiate what they are saying about Brooks and he feels very strongly that the young manager must be given a fair chance to prove himself.
Richardson said the matters relating to the dismissal is still in process and has not yet been finalized. The supervisory board in a proposal to Brooks wants him to step down from his main position to a lower position. It is felt that Brooks should work his way up the ladder if he wants to be future manager of the government owned company.