Head of Communications Warned – Fight Over Food at Schoelcher Fete.

Marigot: -- The head of communications at the Collectivity it is understood was issued with a warning letter on Friday after it was determined that she insulted the residents of Grand Case during the Schoelcher fete.

SMN News was reliably informed that the head of communications pushed herself in the line to get food on more than one occasion and she was asked by the residents of Grand Case to join the line if she wanted so much food. The source said the head of communications insulted the local residents telling them that she is the one that organized a fete for Grand Case and no one has the right to tell her anything.

At least two residents of Grand Case told this reporter that they informed the Territorial Councilor of Grand Case about the incident and they also told the councilor that they did not need such a person to organize fetes for them. The residents it is said made clear that they have been having fetes for several years now and this person never had to organize it. SMN News further understands that the fourth vice president in charge of communications has decided to issue a letter to his department informing them that they are not to create confusion during any activity that is organized by the Collectivity.

The same senior employee also called a reporter on Wednesday evening and confirmed to the reporter that there was an investigation ongoing pertaining to the alleged sexual harassment, which was also investigated on Friday. The foreign worker also called the reporter on Thursday and threatens him telling him that she would also cut him from the Collectivity mailing list since the reporter had no right to print the article in one of the daily newspapers. SMN News understands that the head of communications was aggressive and insulted the reporter when she called him on Thursday.