Change Point is the latest victim of Armed Robberies --- Sous Prefecture looking for Solution to Crisis.

Marigot:--- A change point located at Rue President du Kennedy is the latest victim of armed robbery. The incident occurred yesterday morning around 9:45 am reported the gendarmerie. According to a press release from the gendarmerie, two armed masked men looking more like Antilleans entered into the business establishment armed with a gun. The armed gunmen used a heavy-duty hammer to break the armored glass on the counter to gain entry inside of the change point.

Once inside they ordered their victim to fill up two handbags with the monies that was at the location. The victim also lost all her personal belongings that were inside her bag.
They also managed to break open another money safe that had some 15000 Euros inside and $12,000 before making their escape on a scooter.
The investigation is now being handled by the team of gendarmes that are in place to handle armed robberies.
The gendarmes stated that the island is presently facing an upsurge in armed robberies that are targeting restaurants and other business establishments, this they said is damaging both sides of the island. The gendarmes in particular are using all its efforts in trying to curb the situation. The release said in an effort to curb the crime rate the gendarmes and Dutch police have already established a team that meets daily to address the present upsurge in crime.
The community is expected to see more officers from the VAMA team in their area. There has been an increase in foot patrol as well as vehicular controls, which involves the PAF and customs. The gendarmes also requested more manpower from the territorial police and if the measures presently taken are not able to stabilize the situation then reinforcement from Guadeloupe will be sought.

Over the past week Masion de la Press was also robbed, the Cottage Restaurant in Grand Case and other business establishments.
In the meantime, a meeting is scheduled with all leaders and heads of departments on the French side with Prefet Dominique LaCroix.