Several Questions Surrounding Death of Pregnant Woman ---Botched Abortion Suspected.

jnobaptiste20112009Philipsburg: --- Relatives and friends of Jenifer Sorhaindo (37) have several questions concerning her mysterious and sudden death. Sorhaindo, the mother of a ten-year-old boy died at the St. Maarten Medical Center on Wednesday after her sister had taken her there for medical attention.

SMN News understands that Sorhaindo was eight weeks pregnant and did an abortion at a doctor’s clinic on Monday. Sources close to the now dead woman said Sorhaino had visited the doctor on several occasions during a one-week period. It is also alleged that the doctor who performed the operation may have left parts of the fetus in the woman. However, we were unable to confirm the allegation. SMN News managed to make contact with close relatives and friends of the deceased woman that is living on the island and they are tight-lipped about what happened.

The young woman mother Stephanie Jno Baptiste arrived on the island on Thursday wondering how her daughter died and who is responsible for her death. Jno Baptiste said she spoke to her daughter sometime around St. Maarten Day and her daughter informed her that she fell down on a sports field as she went with her son who was participating in sports.

The woman said Jenifer told her when she reached home that day she realized that she was bleeding from the fall. She said her daughter told her she went to see a doctor and he gave her some painkillers and told her the baby was still in tact. However, about two days later Jenifer called her again this time telling her she was under severe pain and was bleeding heavily. Jno Baptist said her daughter told her, she visited the doctor for the second time and this time the doctor had given her some suppository to use which was intended to bring the baby down (aborting the fetus). According to Jno-Baptiste, her daughter had a miscarriage.

The woman further explained that her daughter told her that the suppository was not working and that the pain was becoming more unbearable. The distraught mother said her daughter also told her she went back to the doctor who told her she needed to have a clean out(D&C) where he would remove the fetus. “My daughter told me the doctor told her if she did the procedure at the St. Maarten Medical Center (hospital) it would cost her $1000 but, if it is done at the doctor’s office then she would only have to pay $650.” Jno Baptist said her daughter was supposed to do this procedure on Monday but since then she never heard from her again. “I cannot say if Jenifer went ahead with the procedure or if she did not do it”. Jno-Baptiste said.

Asked if her daughter was working and if she was in possession of an SVB card the woman said her daughter was working for a well-established business but left the job some years ago and was working for herself at the time of her death. “Jenifer was doing manicure and pedicure, and she was also selling Avon products.” What she told me was that she did not have the $1000 to pay the hospital. Jno Baptiste a national of Dominica could not provide the name of the doctor whom her daughter visited on the island and which doctor it was that supposedly did the procedure at their clinic. A family member told this reporter they needed time to grieve and that they were going to see a gynecologist that is working at St. Maarten Medical Center in the hopes of getting some answers as to the circumstances of Sorhaindo’s death.

While money seemed to have been the young woman’s problem, it is not known if she was residing on the island illegally. Her mother said her daughter had been living on St. Maarten for a number of years and that her son was born on the island. SMN News also understands that the woman was in a relationship with someone of good standing.

SMN News contacted Dr. George Scot for a comment on the woman’s death. Dr. Scot who is currently off island said he was not aware of the case but promised to contact the hospital for the file, which was to be sent to him by email. Up to press time, Dr. Scot said he did not receive the file and promised to make a statement as soon as he gets the file. Asked if doctors on the Dutch side are authorized to perform abortions Dr. Scot said if any doctor even a gynecologist on the Dutch side is caught performing abortions they can lose their licenses. Dr. Scot further explained that if there is a case of emergency the doctors at the St. Maarten Medical Center would refer their patient to the French side where abortion is legal. He said when the procedure is over they at St. Maarten Medical Center would also take ex-trays to make sure nothing is left inside the woman.

SMN News also contacted Prosecutor Rienk Mud to see if he was investigating the case and if a report was filed by the St. Maarten Medical Center with the police but the prosecutor said, he had no knowledge of the woman’s death. He suggested that the family make a report with the health inspector who is based in Curacao.

SMN News will bring you more information on this case as it develops.