Several Residences Engulfed in Early Afternoon Blaze.

apartmentblaze24062009CUL DE SAC—Some 16 persons including children are now homeless after an early afternoon blaze on L.B Scot Road, Cul de Sac. At least three wooden structures have been destroyed between Catapult and Killebarn Drives.

SMN News understands that the fire maybe electrical but up to press time that could not be confirmed. When the fire trucks arrived on the scene the building where the fire started was almost flat and was making its way to the nearby building.

Fire fighters on the scene had difficulty getting the blaze under control due to the overcrowded area as well as the wind which was working against the officers as they tried to battle the blaze.

As fire fighters battle the blaze residents of the nearby homes was busy trying to save all they can from their homes.


Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson said the police received a call around 2pm and the traffic had to be diverted. Henson said there were no injuries but several people he said are homeless.

Henson said Wednesday’s fire is a reminder of what took place in Cay Bay two years ago.