Number and Colors assigned by Main Voting Bureau.

votingbureau06122009GREAT BAY (GIS)— On Friday the Main Voting Bureau went through the process of selecting the numbering of the political parties and the coloring of those parties.

The results are as follows:

1) NA will be second on the list.
2) DP will be first on the list.
3) PPA will be third on the list.

The results of the colors are as follows:

1) DP will have RED.
2) NA will have WHITE
3) PPA will have ORANGE

Below are the full lists of the parties and candidates.

Lijst nr. 1

Nr. Naam en voorletters of voornamen
der kandidaten Aantal
1 Wescot geb. Williams Sarah A.
2 Labega Erno L.
3 Marlin Roy R.
4 Geerlings Perry F.M.
5 de Weever Petrus L.
6 Carty Steven P.
7 Johnson Stuart A.
8 Rogers Carlyle V.
9 Gumbs Marinka J.
10 Richardson Charles J.
11 Emmanuel Richelda G.

Lijst nr. 2
Nr. Naam en voorletters of voornamen
der kandidaten Aantal
1 Marlin William V.
2 Richardson Frans G.
3 Pantophlet George C.
4 Samuel Rodolphe E.
5 Doran geb.York Henrietta
6 Illidge Patrick G.
7 Duncan Roland E.
8 Jacobs Silveria E.
9 Engel Louis R.
10 Peterson Terry J.
11 Richardson Hyacinth L.

Lijst nr. 3
Nr. Naam en voorletters of voornamen
der kandidaten Aantal
1 Arrindell Gracita R.
2 Douglass Ruth A.G.
3 Brown Les A.
4 Patrick Franklin S.
5 Velasquez Susanna A.
6 da Silva Carvalho geb.Richardson Jennifer C.
7 Liu Anique
8 Provacia Kenneth D.
9 Henrietta Othmar D.
10 Bommel Shaira R.
11 Martina Herbert M.J.