CIFSEF Students Graduated --- Several skilled Laborers now Available Locally.

cifsef13122009Philipsburg: On November 28th 123, students from the Caribbean Institute for Social Education Foundation(CIFSEF) graduated. The students graduated after they successfully completed various CIFSEF & CARIBCERT hospitality courses. 33 as professional Front Desk Agents, 16 as professional Bartenders/Waiters/Waitresses, 10 as Food & Beverage Supervisors, 10 as Reservations Agents, 22 as professional Customer Agents, 28 with Core-Supervisory/Management Diplomas and 5 with Computer certificates. The employees came from 33 different companies.
udyouths13122009There were also 9 youths from the USONA-DURPI-Youth Development program. These youths were given a second chance at education. The 9 successfully completed the CIFSEF & CARIBCERT courses for Front Desk Agents. They are now proud holders of Front Desk Agents Diplomas. They also received CIFSEF Jump Start to a Job Computer Training certificate.
The CIFSEF training programs are supported by the WIFOL, SHTA and the SMTA.
CIFSEF is now registering new students for their 2010 training program. CIFSEF is located in the WIFOL building on the Pond Fill, Philipsburg, St. Maarten.