Answers Needed on Impasse Adams Alexandre.

impassea17112009French Quarter: --- On this Tuesday morning, rain began falling in most areas of St. Martin. French Quarter was also blessed with heavy rain. When that happens our camera lens managed to catch what Impasse Adams Alexandre looks like when rain falls. SMN News was told over two years ago that this road is scheduled to be fixed and that the arrangements were in place over two years ago.

Earlier this year, letters were placed in every letter box on Impasse Adams Alexandre notifying the residents that repairs would begin on this road. The letter came from S.S.M.B.T.P. (Societe Saint Martinoise de Batiment et Travaux Publics).

According to the letter stated that they were going to begin building a concrete road on Impasse Adams Alexandre and Rue des Arrindells as of June 25 which would take a maximum of two months.

letter17112009In fact workers graded the road very low that as soon as rainfall there is extreme flooding. According to one of the employees that graded the road is that they had to grade the road so that they can put in the necessary materials before building the concrete road. About three days after the grading of the road all work on Impasse Adams Alexandre stopped for unknown reason.

SMN News contacted the company as well as the community council of French Quarter expressing our concerns and the danger residents of this street faces during heavy rain. One of those residents happens to be a young man that is handicapped.

Today we have decided to pose some more questions on this website so that those who have the answers as why the work on Impasse Adams Alexandre was stopped can post them here.

adams17112009One, information we want to share with you is that President Frantz Gumbs visited SMN News reporter at her home prior to him being elected president in 2008 and he said back then that this road was going to be his priority. We are also inviting the president to tell us if Impasse Adams Alexandre remains his priority or if that has changed.
Unfortunately SMN News is blacklisted from the Collectivity of Saint Martin, so we are not able to ask the President these questions.




Please readers if you have answers to the following questions please post them. (Please keep the comments clean and constructive).


1. Did someone stop the work that was being carried out on Impasse Alexandre, if so who and why?

2. Would there be proper drainage when and if this road is ever fixed?

3. Would water pipes be installed so that the residents living on Impasse Adams Alexandre can finally get city water?

4. Do you know if the residents of Impasse Adams Alexandre are taxpayers and do they pay their taxes?

5. Do the residents of Impasse Adams Alexandre benefit from the suppression of the tax de la fortune or are they middle class people that are burdened with tax that is not benefitting them?