Childfest Made Sizeable Donations to Foundations.

childfest14052009Cole Bay: --- The Child-fest foundation headed by first lady Angela Richards yesterday renewed the hope of several foundations that are dealing with children. Richards said the foundation rose just over $125,000 this year and they have decided to donate some $120,000 to several foundations that are in dire need of monies.
Even though they have not yet received all of the pledged funds and did not pay all their bills the foundation has decided to return most of the monies back to the community Richards said.

Katsiaryna Ozkan said that children are the future and she hopes that the recipients make good use of the monies that would be given to them. Ozkan said she hopes next year the organization would be able to raise much more monies that will be given out the same way.

Receiving a largest amount is Special Olympics and Help our Children Foundation who got a check of $40, 000 each.
Also receiving a donation was the Sundial School who received a check of $4,000, Crystal Home Foundation $8,000,I Can Foundation $8,000, UJIMA Foundation $10,000,
Motiance Dance School received $10,000, which is to be used for school fees and other projects for students that are less fortunate.
Richards said the committee chose foundations that have good programs that focus on the young people of St. Maarten that are under privileged. The committee she said also considered those children that are not so fortunate to participate in fun things and enjoy what other children have to enjoy.