Karine Fleming Denounces Media Reports—Never Postulated for Director’s Position.

Marigot: ---- The daughter of senator Louis Constant Fleming, Karine Fleming has used her rights to respond to media report that indicated that she postulated for the director's post at the Office du Tourisme.
Fleming said that after learning that a newspaper published she was a candidate for the position she felt compelled to respond since the article in question is pure speculation and invention from one specific journalist. Fleming said more surprising to her is to see her name appear in the newspaper without any type of verification.

"The journalist in question has my email and telephone numbers and she could have verified easily." Fleming said. "I am not a candidate for the position of Director of the Tourist Office or any other position at the Collectivity. I do not have the qualification for the director's position; also it is not my father's habit to place his children in jobs at the Collectivity contrary to what other politicians have done." Fleming said. She concluded by saying it is sad to see how far a particular journalist would go to sell newspapers and that only confirms her lack of professionalism and integrity within the community. Below is the exact excerpt from Fleming both in English and French.

After learning my candidacy for the position of Director of the Tourist Office through an article in Le Pelican newspaper published on June 22nd 2010, I feel it necessary to write to your newspaper to confirm that this is pure speculation and invention from one journalist Mireille Loubet. It was even more surprising to me to see my name in her article because she has my e-mail address and telephone number and could have therefore verify her information easily.
I am not a candidate for the position of Director of the Tourist Office or any other position within the Collectivite. I do not have the qualification to be the director of the tourist office. And it is not in my father's habit to put his children in jobs at the Collectivite, contrary to what other politicians have done.
It is sad to see how far this journalist will go to sell newspapers and can only confirm her lack of professionalism and integrity within our community.


Suite à l'article du Pélican du 22 juin 2010, par lequel j'ai appris ma propre prétendue candidature au poste de Directrice de l'Office du tourisme, je tiens à préciser que cette question n'a JAMAIS été à l'ordre du jour ni du groupe UP, ni de moi-même.
Non seulement parce que le tourisme ne fait pas partie de mon champ de compétence, mais également parce qu'il n'est pas dans les mœurs du Sénateur Louis-Constant FLEMING de placer ses enfants (contrairement à de nombreux autres...)
Il ne s'agit que d'une élucubration supplémentaire de Mireille LOUBET qui persiste à combler ses réelles lacunes journalistiques en inventant de toutes pièces des "informations" et/ou en colportant des ragots.
Il aurait pourtant été très facile de vérifier cette information puisque Madame LOUBET et sa direction possèdent mes coordonnées.

Anne Karine Fleming