No Quorum for Extra- Ordinary Island Council Meeting--NA Insists there is Problems within Government.

1stchamberPhilipsburg: --- The Island Council meeting scheduled yesterday had to be cancelled since the Democratic Party and Independent member Louis Laveist was not present to form a quorum. The meeting was to be held with the members of the first chamber who are on a working visit within the Netherlands Antilles.

Three members of the National Alliance who were in the tribune of the Government Administration Building refused to sign the attendance list to make up the quorum when they noticed that Independent member Louis Laviest was not around. That left the DP with four members since Commissioner Roy Marlin was off island.
Shortly after the cancellation the delegation was invited to the Parliament building where they meet with the National Alliance Faction for about half an hour.

At a press conference Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin said his party wants to prove or highlight their concern that there is no real support coming from Laveist for the current government. He said this matter goes back before Laveist was arrested since Laveist had complained about the treatment he was receiving from the executive council. However, during the short meeting with the first chamber they made it clear why they refused to give their support to the existing government. Marlin said they also indicated that they were willing to meet with the delegation to further discuss matters pertaining to St. Maarten while the Dutch is rather concern about good governance on St. Maarten. He said this situation will affect St. Maarten with its status as long as there is no good governance. Marlin said the Dutch wants to know what can be done at this point since this cannot continue.
He said Laveist has said the Democratic Party had promised the ‘head" of Island Labour Raphael Boasman in exchange for his vote to reinstate Maria Buncamper Molanus and when that did not happen Laveist showed his displeasure by not attending a few meetings which made it impossible for the government to function. Marlin said.

Marlin said the same situation resurfaced now that the Lt. Governor has publicly called for Laveist to resign and Laveist responded by saying that it is not the call of the Lt. Governor. Marlin said prior to this incident the Leader of the Democratic Party Sarah Wescot Williams had said they were busy sending home the staff of Laviest during an island council meeting which has left a cloud over the situation.

The party leader had said they were busy relocating the commissioner's staff to the civil service while sending those for the private sector there. The National Alliance leader said after that Laveist sent a letter to the Lt. Governor telling him he was a full fledge member of the executive council but the details of that letter is not clear. He said if that indeed the case then Laviest would have gotten back his portfolios in the last island council meeting but that did not happen. Marlin also said that the commissioner declared himself a non active member of the executive council which does not exist.

Marlin said on Wednesday morning a central committee was scheduled and that had to be cancelled because the Democratic Party could not make the quorum since Laveist stayed away and did not send any notification to the chair.

Marlin said his party would have signed in for the island council had Laveist showed up. He said the commissioner is missing in action or either at large. Marlin said had they signed in then things would have looked well, while this is not the case.
He said the Democratic Party has been taking about all kinds of things relating to good governance, the issue of the status and the French and Dutch side cooperation as if all is well on St. Maarten. Marlin said his party is sending a clear message to the people and the government that all is not well and every government has to have support of a majority for them to function as such. He said it cannot be that the executive council stays in office, and are apparently trying to work things out over another deal while voting against a motion of non confidence so that he Laveist can continue to give them his support to remain in government yet he is not showing up for important meetings such as the central committee and island council meeting. "It is not so that the National Alliance will show up and be the good guys and pretend all is well for the Dutch Government to see." Marlin said.

naMarlin said when he made use of the opportunity to say that those who think that they can change the wishes of the people of St. Maarten for the lack of good governance and lack of transparency. He said the people of St. Maarten have expressed their will and the Dutch first and second chamber cannot change that fact but they can say they would not cooperate if St. Maarten does not get its house in order. He said the actions of the Democratic Party are a blatant disregard for the people and not that of the National Alliance who is jeopardizing the desire of the people.

He said his party will not cover up for the DP since they are not able to produce a majority and it is obvious that there is some gripe between the members of the Democratic Party and Louis Laveist. "If they have problem they would have to come out and say that." Marlin said he wants Laveist to exactly what his position is since he wrote several letters to the Lt. Governor, one stating he is an Independent member and the other saying he is a full fledge executive council member without portfolios.

In invited comment Commissioner Louie Laveist said he had to leave the island urgently for urgent and personal matters. He said he had sent an email to all concerned informing them of his urgent travel plans. "I personally discussed this with commissioner Marlin also" Laveist said. Asked if there is any kind of turmoil within the DP party and himself? Laveist said there is nothing but love within the party and there are no problems brewing.

In the meantime, Leader of Government Sarah Wescot Williams in a press release said the cancellation of today's Central Committee meeting was disappointing for several reasons due to members not signing in, although being present.

Commissioner Wescot-Williams said that the performance of the Central Committee meetings were an integral part of the functioning of the government apparatus, which operates on several levels. One of which is the Island Council level, the highest. For this to function well, Central Committee meetings have to take place.

On the agenda were:
1. "Opening
2. Mededelingen
3. Ingekomen Stukken
4. Vaststelling besluitenlijst
5. Ontwerp-eilandsverordening houdende wijziging van de Eilandsverordening ruimtelijke ontwikkelingsplanning Sint Maarten.
6. Ontwerp-Eilandsverordening houdende vaststelling van regels met betrekking tot de vestiging en exploitatie van ondernemingen en tot wijziging van de Vergunningslandsverordening.
7. Alegemene Ziektekostenverzekering (AZV).
8. Sluiting"

These issues were important because they are dealing with important matters like the development plans for Fort Amsterdam and the Simpson Bay/Low Lands areas.

We also had to deal with the new Business License ordinance, which adopts the changes made last year.

Thus the functioning of government is paramount, according to Commissioner Wescot-Williams, and this functioning is dependent on having central committee meetings.