Minister Finance addresses sexual harassment of Civil Servant.

Dear Ms. Nicole James,
First and foremost, I commend your courage in speaking out on this deeply troubling issue. No civil servant—or any employee—should ever have to endure sexual harassment, let alone feel unsafe in their workplace. Your testimony underscores the urgent need for decisive action to protect victims, hold perpetrators accountable, and dismantle a culture of silence and impunity.
As Minister of Finance, I acknowledge that a safe and professional work environment is a moral imperative and a fundamental requirement for an efficient and effective civil service. When employees feel unsafe, demoralized, or unheard, it directly affects productivity, morale, and the overall functioning of government institutions. It is unacceptable that these matters have persisted without proper resolution despite multiple reports over the years.
The Government of Sint Maarten must ensure a workplace free of harassment and intimidation. I fully support the call for urgent reviews and reforms, including implementing clear policies within the Landsverordening Materieel Ambtenarenrecht (LMA) to address sexual harassment in the workplace explicitly. Additionally, I support strengthening reporting mechanisms to ensure victims can come forward without fear of retaliation, including establishing an independent body to investigate integrity breaches.
Accountability is paramount. Leadership at all levels must prioritize ethical conduct and ensure that perpetrators face real consequences regardless of rank or influence. If we fail to act, we fail victims and weaken public trust in the institutions meant to serve and protect our people.
The Ministry of Finance stands committed to working alongside Parliament, the Integrity Chamber, and all relevant stakeholders to ensure that measurable and enforceable policies are implemented. Let this be a turning point—one where we move beyond rhetoric and toward real structural change.
I extend my support to all victims of workplace harassment and reaffirm the Government’s responsibility to ensure justice, integrity, and safety in the public sector. The time for action is indeed now.

Marinka Gumbs
Minister of Finance
Government of Sint Maarten