University of St. Martin (USM) confirmed as an official General Equivalency Diploma (GED) computer-based testing center.

glenyeungandjeansamer16092013PHILIPSBURG:--- USM engaged the services of Carib Work IT to carry out the necessary hardware installations in order to be eligible to give the GED computer-based testing (CBT) delivered on the Pearson VUE (PV) platform. All exams are proctored by certified administrators.
USM has been St. Maarten's only GED paper based testing center for a number of years.
Jean Samer was the first student to take USM's computerized GED Exam from Pearson VUE.
Mr. Samer commented that he had a while waiting on the test to pop up, and it finally did. "When I started the exam I realized it was way easier to handle on the PC. I had success. This is the best way to do the GED exam. Thanks USM for the opportunity, and thanks to Mrs. Agnes who helped me a lot."
In addition to offering the CBT exams, USM will continue offering GED Tutorials evening and morning classes. Classes are scheduled to begin on Monday, September 23rd.
Persons interested in joining the Tutorial classes are asked to register at the USM Student Service Center.
An information session for registered persons is scheduled for Friday September 20th at 7pm in the USM lecture hall.
Persons are urged to settle their outstanding balances before registering for exams.