Judith Roumou. (File Photo)
In a telephone interview with SMN News, Roumou said she was walking down Front Street holding a tablet which she recently got, her telephone, and $10 note in her hands. Roumou further explained at the time she was trying to figure out how to use the tablet when she saw the MP walking up to her. Roumou said when the MP got close to her he did not say anything to her but hit her in the crotch with his knee. "MP de Weever kicked me in the groin, directly on my vagina before taking the tablet away, as he did that he said I will kill you, I will kill before rushing through the alley where his daughters have a store. By then a crowd gathered including Minister of Labour and Public Health Cornelius de Weever who saw what happened. When the MP came back on the street he did not have the tablet in his hand and he told the people that gathered at the scene if anyone of them was willing to beat me up, he will pay them. I took my phone and I tried to dial 911 but MP de Weever took away my phone and slammed it on the ground. His nephew (Minister Cornelius de Weever) picked it up and placed it on his jeep. At the moment MP de Weever is denying that he took away my tablet," Roumou said. Roumou said police went to the scene and they sent her to the emergency room for treatment. On Sunday morning she was in consultation with doctor Mercuur because of the injuries.
Roumou explained that she is bleeding from the injuries she sustained and that the doctors told her if she got a miscarriage due to the assault then it will constitute murder. When SMN News asked Roumou if she is pregnant she said she will not confirm or deny that.
In response to the allegation made by Roumou, MP de Weever said he was on the boardwalk with his nephew when he heard that there was a commotion taking place in his daughter's store with Roumou. MP de Weever said over the past months he has been assisting Roumou with monies and just recently his daughter told her (Roumou) that they will be holding an event in Dutch Quarter for less fortunate children and they invited her to attend that event. MP de Weever further explained that Roumou was demanding $100 to attend the event which his daughters and him refused to pay. He said over the past days Roumou sent several text messages to him threatening him and his family while trying to extort monies from him. MP de Weever said he never took away any tablet and he bluntly denied hitting Judith Roumou during the fracas "I have those messages which I gave to my lawyer to file an official complaint against her."
Chief of Police Peter de Witte confirmed Saturday evening that a detective took a complaint from the blogger who had to be transported to the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) for treatment.
De Witte said that the statement taken by KPSM will be sent to the Prosecutor's Office because it involves a Member of Parliament.
Attorney General Taco Stein also told SMN News on Sunday that he was informed that Roumou pressed charges against MP de Weever for assault, threats, and maltreatment. Stein said the police took a statement from the victim and that statement will be sent to the Prosecutor's Office early Monday morning for a decision to be taken.