Member of Parliament, Silveria Jacobs. (File Photo)
We are going through turbulent and challenging times and many are wondering where their next meal is coming from or if they will have a roof over their heads, while others worry about the increasing cost of living while the wages stay the same, and yet another worries about illness, sadness or grief.
To all of you who are challenged at this time I say to you never give up, for we serve a risen Saviour who always fulfills His promises.
This season of Christmas is a season of Peace, for He was sent as a babe to bring Peace to the world.
Yet those that focus on greed and ownership have continued to push us into war, division and ultimately driven many to poverty.
Therefor I appeal to all who do have this Christmas season to share with those who don't.
The best feeling in the world is to be able to give. So if you can, please give now at Christmas and make it a habit to give love, time, opportunity, chances, incentives, encouragement and if you can, even finances to help build up our society from now onwards.
If you haven't yet done so, choose an organization, a family or a person to help in any way you can on a regular basis. Actively be the change you want to see in the your community, district & country.
In this way, we will have Christmas - that wonderful, peaceful feeling of giving out of love - all year round. We will have made a difference in changing our world.
I pledge to continue to be the change you wish to see in Parliament, and will represent you to the best of my ability by seeking solutions, and working diligently and cooperatively in the interest of St. Maarten and her people.
A Happy & Peaceful Christmas to all and may 2015 be the start of us all getting on board to make it the best year possible for all the citizens of St. Maarten.
Warmest greetings from my family to yours,
Silveria Jacobs
Member of Parliament