Digicel flies Haiti children to Health City for Cardiac Surgery

digcelhearthaiti23092015Digicel, a mobile telecommunications company that operates in 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central America and Oceania regions, has been presented with a plaque of appreciation in recognition of its contribution to the ‘Have a Heart’ campaign in partnership with Health City Cayman Islands.

Have a Heart, a philanthropic organisation formed in 2000, has supported more than 6,000 paediatric heart surgeries in India to date. The charity formed a partnership with Health City Cayman Islands, headed by Mr Gene Thompson, and subsequently joined forces with Haiti Cardiac Alliance, a US-based non-profit organisation, to facilitate cardiac surgery at Health City for a number of Haitian children.

“Many of the heart problems faced by these children cannot be dealt with in Haiti as the surgeries are too complicated. We are extremely excited to be working with the surgeons and staff at Health City as we know that they have the expertise and facilities to help these children,” Mr Owen Robinson, Executive Director of Haiti Cardiac Alliance said.

Digicel stepped in to support the initiative by generously providing one of its private jets to transport the children and their families from Haiti directly to Grand Cayman for their life-saving surgeries. The plaque was presented to Mr Martin Bould, CEO of Digicel Group Cayman and Rahul Nicholson-Coe, Chief Operating Officer of Digicel Cayman.

“We’re proud to have been a part of such a worthy cause,” Mr Bould said. “To see these children, some of whom could hardly walk without difficulty breathing, now playing as children should, is really touching. We are glad that Digicel could be involved and help people in need in our region.”

The cardiac surgeries, completed free-of-charge at Health City Cayman Islands, were led by Dr Binoy Chattuparambil, Senior Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon, and Dr Sripadh Upadhya, Senior Paediatric Cardiologist.

Dr Chandy Abraham, Medical and Facility Director at Health City said, “The operations went extremely well and many of the children were eating and smiling and interacting with our staff soon after surgery. They were extremely brave.”

Mr Gene Thompson thanked Digicel and said without its contribution of its company plane, the children and their families would have needed to travel via the USA with a visa, adding a tremendous amount to the cost of their trip, and possibly making it unachievable.

“We are incredibly grateful to the generosity of Digicel, who have been instrumental in changing the lives of these children for the better. We look forward to extending this charitable offering to many others in need, which is the philosophy that Health City was borne out of.”