Crime has not escalated 7 murders in 2015 compared to 10 in 2014 – Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson.

drichardson21102015KPSM requested assistance from Curacao and Aruba

PHILIPSBURG:---Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson told reporters on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers press conference that crime has not escalated as perceived by many. The Minister of Justice said in the year 2014 there were 10 murders committed while so far this year there has been 7 murders committed excluding the two robbers that were shot to death by PAN American Security Guards. Police considered the shooting death of the two robbers to be that of self-defense. Minister Richardson made clear that while it is seven so far that amount can definitely increase before the year ends.
Of the seven murders that were committed this year, police already arrested the suspects were involved in five of the seven murders. The Minister said those cases that have not yet been solved police has some indications as to who the perpetrators are which will lead to the arresting of more suspects. “I have one message to send to criminals, you are not going to escape prosecution no matter what because the attitude of the police is that they will put an end to the criminal activities on St. Maarten. One thing is that the police can stop the members of these organizations from killing each other but thing they could guarantee is that they pay for the things they have done.”
The Justice Minister said the only two murders that are still to be solved is the one committed recently by Teke Teke bar in Cay Hill and the one in Simpson Bay on Sunday. As for armed robberies the Minister said it is the same amount committed in 2014 which he said was about 155 in 2014.
The Minister further explained that they have seen an increase in violent crimes where criminals are now aiming at police officers, one which led to the slaying of Officer Gamali Benjamin. Further to that the Minister said that law enforcement believes that the spate of murders now committed on the island has some relation to eliminations within the criminal organizations for their own reasons. However, the Minister of Justice made clear that the Ministry of Justice cannot act on perceptions but instead on facts. “Recently, within a short period of time a number of criminal activities have taken place and the most shocking thing is the violence that is involved. The figures do not demonstrate rise in crime but those figures also demonstrate that the use of violence is constantly increasing. This is not something the police should be blamed for but instead it has to do with problems within the society that has to be dealt with in a different way, one that is preventative which includes taking measures to save as much young people as possible from entering into criminality. The Ministries that are involved in youth prevention has my full support because it saves the country monies from having to prosecute youngsters and to keep them behind bars.” Minister Richardson said he has great admiration and respect for the police force of St. Maarten (KPSM) for the work they have been doing at this time with limited means. “At the beginning of 2014 KPSM had 214 full time workers but that amount decreased by 30 due to heavy financial constraints vacancies could not be filled. The Government already announced that those vacancies have to be filled, this is not going to be an easy task especially with the limitations the CFT placed on the country. One thing for sure is that the country St. Maarten has the right to protect its people and its economy, which is the most basic responsibility of any government. I cannot ask the police force to break iron with their hands. Right now a small group of officers have done some tremendous work in tackling the crime on St. Maarten. Minister Richardson said management of KPSM informed him that the actions taken by KPSM after officer Benjamin was gunned down led to a decrease in crime in the Philipsburg area. He said a team was put together which included joint patrols, with that he said that has led to preventing persons from committing violent crimes in the Philipsburg area while police managed to take some weapons off the streets. For me the measures taken by KPSM are working in preventing crimes especially in Philipsburg while police officers are placing their lives on the line to protect the country and its people.” Minister Richardson said a new phenomenon is the attack on police officers with weapons, something police did not anticipate in the past but recently it has been reported how many times criminals are firing shots at police when they approach them. Besides that St. Maarten is confronted with organized crimes from people that are battling over their territories. The Minister assured that the police will continue to perform their duties in the most effective way they possibly could with the limited means they have at their disposal.
Minister Richardson also said that KPSM has made a request through him to request more assistance from Curacao and Aruba while he also made an appeal on the joint detective team that is supposed to be investigating undermining crimes to assist with the current spate of crimes committed on the island. The Minister said this was made possible through the much debated protocol he signed in the Netherlands. Besides that he is sure that the Royal Marechaussee will give their assistance in trying to curb the spate of criminal activities now taking place on the island.
SMN News asked the Minister now that they know that criminals are not afraid of the men in blue what has he done with getting proper insurance for police officers.
Minister Richardson said that the Ministry of General Affairs drafted a terms of reference which will be presented to various insurance companies in order to provide insurance for government workers.
Asked why the appointment for the incoming Chief of Police is delayed since the appointment was delayed twice. The Minister said that there are some technical issues with the national decrees that have to be corrected.