MP Frans Richardson and Janhendrik Boekaar to spend the next eight days behind bars.


MP Frans Richardson and Director of Windward Roads Janhendrik Boekaar.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The leader of the United St. Maarten Party and Member of Parliament Frans Richardson along with the Director of Windward Roads Janhendrik Boekaar have to spend the next eight days behind bars as the investigators for the TBO team continue with their investigations. A statement from the Prosecutor Office on Friday states that both suspects, detained on Wednesday in Sint Maarten, will remain in detention. J.H.B. and F.G.R. were presented today by the Public Prosecutor's Office to the judge of instruction (rechter-commissaris). The judge of instruction judged the arrest correct. The Public Prosecutor ordered thereafter the extended detention with 8 days.

In a press release on Wednesday, the Prosecutor Office states that MP Richardson is suspected of accepting bribes and tax fraud. The prosecutor office also states in their release that MP Richardson is also suspected of participating in a criminal organization aimed at recruiting votes for himself.
The Director of Windward Roads Janhendrik Boekaar is under investigation named Larimar. According to the Prosecutors Office Boekaar bribed civil servants and persons in the construction sector.