Korps Polities Sint Maarten Places Emphasis on Effective Management.

kpsmtraining05042018PHILIPSBURG:--- On April 5, 2018, The Korps Polities Sint Maarten and The Immigration and Border Protection Service (IBP) Management Team members attended a globally accredited Management & Leadership training facilitated by Training Professionals International Firm, (TPI).
The training was initiated by Chief Carl John, who identified that although his Management Team had good management and leadership skills they could benefit from learning new, innovative approaches that are effectively working throughout the Caribbean.
The Management & Leadership training focused on key elements of effective Management & Leadership. Participants were introduced to best practices that are effectively working in learning organizations worldwide. The training integrates leadership videos, excerpts from managerial periodicals and integrated cooperative and collaborative learning exercises. Participants were guided and lead by a certified instructor who is knowledgeable in key managerial approaches in the following areas: How to effectively lead personnel to reach elevated levels of professional development, how to initiate a coaching program to build and support future succession leaders, how to establish relationships with diverse employees to build strong work teams that exceed performance standards.
TPI’s President & CEO, Dr. Natasha Gittens facilitated the training, bringing over 20 plus years of experience in training and facilitating similar courses throughout the Caribbean for large and small organizations, including Law Enforcement.
Gittens stated when asked why she believed the training was important had this to say: “I am very proud that Chief Carl John recognized that his staff should always be in a “continuous learning mode.” In short, that means that every leader, manager or person appointed to lead teams have a very important obligation. They are the gatekeepers, that must ensure that their teams do not become stagnated, complacent and identify training and professional development opportunities that engage, empower and move their staff to standards of excellence. “

KPSM Press Release.