TelEm Group employees give big boost to Leo Club “T’is the Season” Food Drive.

telemfooddrive12122018Pond Island:--- Leo Club members have expressed deep words of thanks to personnel and management of TelEm Group for their kind food donations for their “T’is The Season” Christmas Food Drive.

The Leo Club want to make it a “Ho, Ho, Ho” Christmas season for the less fortunate in the St. Maarten community and say the non-perishable goods collected by TelEm Group staff during the past week’s will go a long way toward them meeting their goal.

The food items were presented to members of the Leo Club, accompanied by Leo Adviser, Mrs. Lisandra Havertong, by representatives of the Human Resources & Development Department and Marketing Intern Lisa Jacquet.

“Our staff responded to the Leo Club’s “T’is The Season” initiative as soon as we announced it, and we are very grateful for that,” said TelEm Group Human Resources representatives Ms. Shakima van Heyningen and Mrs. Isabel Santos.

They said the staff was moved to hear that the food items would be provided to families on the island who are currently facing difficult situations so that they might have a more enjoyable holiday season.

Speaking on behalf of the Leo Club, Adviser, Mrs. Havertong, said the group is in awe of the TelEm Group contribution estimating that the amount received will easily make 20 baskets – or more - for the families in need.

“Throughout the years, when delivering our Christmas food baskets, we hear of many touching stories from families and individuals who feel extremely blessed and grateful upon receiving them, so TelEm staff can be assured that their gift of giving will be well received,” said Mrs. Havertong.

This year the St. Maarten Leo Club set out to distribute 100 baskets to families across the island, and following the big boost from TelEm Group, they seem well on the way to meeting their target.

After the food presentation on Tuesday, The Human Resources and Development Department and the Marketing Department individually thanked the staff members who donated a food item or assisted in any way, noting the response they received.