TelEm Group upgrading power systems for fixed internet service.

PHILIPSBURG:---  A team of telecommunication experts will be carrying out the first in a series of scheduled upgrades to the power supply system at TelEm Group’s SMITCOMS Central location, Harbour View, late Tuesday and into the early hours Wednesday morning.

Manager, Core Networks, Mr. Percival Cocks says while the scheduled works are not expected to be service affecting, interruptions may still occur, and internet customers should not be alarmed. Neither should they tamper with their internet modem if they experience any interruptions in service during the scheduled work hours.

“The team will be working on the power system upgrade between the hours of 12:00 am and 7:00 am Wednesday morning. But before that, they will be prepping equipment to ensure the upgrade operation goes as smoothly as possible,” said Mr. Cocks.

He said is very important for internet customers not to tamper with their systems or passwords during the time of the scheduled works.

“We are advising customers to wait until the scheduled time for the works to end (7:00 am Wednesday morning), and if their service is not restored by then, to perform a modem reboot, by turning the modem off and then on again,” said Mr. Cocks. He said customers can also call the TelEm Group Helpdesk on 548-HELP/548-4357 for further assistance.

The Manager, Core Networks, said a permanent upgrade to the SMITCOMS power system was promised last month when a series of power issues developed. At the time, a temporary fix was arranged until the team of vendors could arrive this week, to install the necessary hardware and software.

“On behalf of management we apologies for any interruptions in service that might occur on Wednesday. We want to assure our customers and the public that this is an essential upgrade that will improve the reliability of the internet service they currently enjoy,” said Mr. Cocks.