MP Marlin sends letter to Prime Minister Smith requesting answers about planned trip of former PM Romeo Marlin to World Bank Conference.

marlinwilliam25092019PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament and chair of Parliament dispatched a letter to Prime Minister Wycliffe Smith on Tuesday asking that answers be provided to him regarding the possible travel arrangements for former Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin. In the letter, Marlin said it has come to his attention that the Council of Ministers approved the travel for the former Prime Minister to attend a World Bank Conference or meeting. Marlin said that assuming the reports are true he would appreciate the answers to his questions be answered urgently.

 1. Did the Council of Ministers approve for Mrs.Leona Marlin-Romeo to travel after her dismissal as Prime Minister?
2. If yes, on what date did this meeting take place?
3. If the answer to question 1is yes, then what is the purpose of this travel and for how long?
4. If the answer to question 1is yes, please explain why the Council of Ministers had to approve the travel of the former Prime Minister?
5. If the Council of Ministers approved the travel of Mrs. Leona Marlin-Romeo, in what capacity did she or would she be traveling?
6. If the answer to question 1is yes, who is paying for this travel and what is the cost of the trip?
7. Can you provide any information related to the travel of Mrs. Leona Marlin-Romeo, particularly if she will be speaking or conducting and or attending any meeting in any way, on behalf of Sint Maarten?