EXCLUSIVE: Attachments placed on Minister of VSA salary. (UPDATED 2)

pamelagordoncarty13122019~ Over $200,000.00 outstanding to Guy Estate N.V. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- An attachment was placed on the salaries of the Minister of VSA Pamela Gordon- Carty earlier this week.
SMN News learned that the attachment was placed due to an outstanding that amounts to $200,000.00 to Guy Estate N.V.
SMN News further learned that the Minister was condemned over five years ago and never made any payments. Further details on the matter are not available, other than Guy Estate NV is represented by Attorney at Law Melinda Hoever.

Minister Gordon Carty said in the Council of Minister's press briefing that she is a professional accountant that worked in other islands such as Aruba. She explained that she finds it sad that two cases that are of personal nature ended up in the media while there is a political campaign. Gordon Carty further stated that her legal team is currently looking at what to do with regard to the publication of her private cases.
She explained that the case regarding a bounced check was due to money not reaching her account from a foreign account on time, but did not divulge any information about the lien placed on her salary on Monday. Minister Gordon Carty was served at the Government Administration Building.

SMN News further learned that a second lien is supposed to be placed on the Minister's salary between Wednesday and Thursday, the source said that the second lien is placed by Gibson & Associates Law Firm. SMN News contacted Attorney at Law Richard Gibson Jr who confirmed that he is busy placing a lien on the Minister's salary but refused to divulge any information about the lien.