Rotarians deliver holiday cheer to those in need.

rotarygiveaways16122019PHILIPSBURG:--- Members of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten had a very busy week spreading Christmas Cheer throughout the community. On Wednesday, Rotarians began their annual Food Hamper distribution where 150 Hampers of Food were brought directly to the homes of those within the community in need so they can also have a great Christmas feast. The food hampers were packed full of items needed for a complete holiday feast. “It is with extra warmth in our hearts that not only during the Holiday season but the entire year, that The Rotarians dedicate so much time and attention to those within our community that needs our assistance. By putting service to others above self, Rotarians worldwide help make the communities we live in better for all” said Club President Sherrylle DeHardt. “Seeing the smiles on all the children’s faces when presented a toy and food and when handing over a food hamper to a deserving recipient really gets you into the Christmas spirit and is what makes all our hard work worth it” she continued to say.

Then on Saturday at the Dutch Quarter Community Center, The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten in partnership with Domino’s Pizza and Divico, hosted approximately 125 smiling children to their annual Christmas Party. Funtopia did face painting and had other fun activities to engage the kids while they awaited Santa’s arrival. Popular musician and Hole in the Wall bar owner Bob Baron led the children in Christmas Carols while the kids cheered and called for Santa to come. A crowd favorite of Domino’s Pizza and drinks, followed by Ice Cream Bars courtest of Divico Distribution were served to the children by Rotarians acting as Santa’s helpers that day. “This party is very special to me as this is what Christmas is all about; Showing our thanks and giving back to the community. Seeing the smiles on all the Children’s faces as they receive their toys and goodies is priceless. It really sets the tone for the Christmas Spirit” said John Caputo from Domino’s Pizza who is also a Rotarian. Toys; mainly Balls, Dolls, and Board Games were donated from Club Members, The Interact Clubs on the island, from students at Learning Unlimited, and brought in to Domino’s Pizza by those in the community. A special Thanks goes out to Cost U Less, Super Plaza, and Jade Dollar Store for donating many toys and proving a good price on others.

The Rotary Club of St. Maarten would like to wish everyone a joyous and safe Christmas and New Years and we look forward to continuing serving the community of St. Maarten as we enter 2020.

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website