MSC Armonia
Both vessels will arrive on Sunday. Independence of the Seas will depart on Tuesday while MSC Armonia will depart on Monday.
The repatriation of the crew will be carried out based on the ports strict “Sterile Port Protocol” that falls under the scope of the Ordinance Public Health which is part of the International Health Regulations as issued by the World Health Organization (WHO).
This protocol ensures public health safety and security at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Cargo Facilities for all incoming vessels at the port.
Port St. Maarten was chosen due to its strategic location in the Northeastern Caribbean as well as its international connections with airports around the world. As a destination, St. Maarten has displayed its ability to facilitate such repatriation operations safely and efficiently.
The country’s infrastructure such as its homeporting facility and services at Port St. Maarten makes it easy for a cruise ship to have travel documents of crews processed and then taken directly to the Airport to board their international flight.
Additional services such as fuel bunkering and food provisioning, are also available that cruise lines can avail during their port call.