29 COVID-19 cases from Adult Entertainment.

~Use of Cotton Pillowcases as suggested by Government did not work.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- A total shutdown might be the only solution that would enable St. Maarten and its government to flatten the curve on COVID-19 second wave. As of August 13th, 2020, 29 persons were added to the list of active cases. SMN News learned that those cases came from an Adult Entertainment on Pond Island Road, as of August 13th there were 129 active cases.
While a total shutdown is not what anyone wants at this time due to the dying economy and the lack of funds locally it might very well be the only thing that may save lives on the Friendly Island.
Several persons contacted SMN News on the condition of anonymity and said they contracted the coronavirus at a particular Adult Entertainment, when asked if they informed CPS some of these persons said they did but no one really wants to listen to them. As usual, CPS has personnel that is more interested in how information is leaked instead of following up on persons that are in isolation or those that contacted them either because they are displaying symptoms or were at locations that had clusters of people that today tested positive. Another issue coming from CPS is the badly tabulated figures that are released late at night even though the figures released to represent the day up to 4 pm.
Another concern coming from some of the persons that contacted SMN News is the guidelines published on the government’s website for Adult Entertainment. The government on its website gives the following advice for customers and employees while having skin to skin physical contact. Certainly, the pillowcase method did not work and the question of what is next.


Clearly, the government and its advisors did not think this through when penning their guidelines for these clubs. One would want to know if Adult Entertainment during a pandemic or healthcare crisis is considered “essential services.”
Another situation that has gone unnoticed or not addressed by government or Economic Affairs is the situation that existed on Pondfill where a former Member of Parliament was operating a Cigar Lounge without a business license. Not only did the former MP did not have a business license but he tried to use his so-called power to hijack someone else’s business. At his unlicensed business place, proper social distancing or hygiene measures were not being followed. At least one person passed-away because that person is alleged contracted the virus at the illegal business place. Several politicians and civil servants also frequented this place and while complaints were filed with the Police and Prosecutor’s Office the case simply went dead. Videos have been circulating on social media, police officers assaulted each other and the only statement that can be obtained from the police is that there is an internal investigation.
The Tourist Bureau organized training for taxi drivers so that these ambassadors can have basic knowledge on how to transport the island guests when reopened. Instead of having a certificate, some drivers have been diagnosed with the coronavirus because a senior staff at the Tourist Bureau and another trainer tested positive for the deadly virus.
It is clear government like every other country has no textbook with guidelines on how to deal with COVID-19 however, it is evident that more must be done by each and every one of us. St. Maarten is not the only island or country that has high numbers of active cases, but certainly, if we all put our hands on deck and put our priorities right then flattening the curve on COVID-19 can be achieved.


Click here to read guidelines that were published on the government website.