Minister Panneflek congratulates Ambulance Department in acquiring of Patient Isolation Units.

ambulanceunits09122020PHILIPSBURG:--- On November 9th and 10th, 2020 ambulance professionals received training from ProPac in the use of their newly acquired Patient Isolation Units. The CAPSULS (Containment and protection System Utilizing Life Support) is a portable and Patient Isolation Unit (PIU).

The patient isolation unit provides filtered and directional airflow for patient life support and is equipped with features that enable medical intervention to the patient via end-user supplied medical equipment.

It comprises a flexible envelope that may be either positively or negatively pressurized. Under positive pressure operation, it isolates and protects a patient during transport, thereby mitigating the risk of exposing the patient to external contaminants and infectious agents.

Under a negative pressure operation, it contains and isolates an infected patient, thereby minimizing the risk of cross infecting the external population during transport.

This has been for a while in the making and we are very proud of this achievement as we are better equipped now for other risks that St. Maarten may face. This was made possible through the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) says Department Head Cylred Richardson for which we are thankful.

Minister Panneflek says that he is delighted in the achievements of this critical and important service within his ministry and is very proud of the dedication of management and staff alike.