This Year’s Christmas celebrations will be different.

akeemarrindell07102020PHILIPSBURG:--- People all around the world are preparing for Christmas 2020, and St. Maarten/St. Martin is no exception. The shopping, cleaning, fixing up and other preparations have begun. Foods, drinks, sweets, and gifts are being prepared for that wonderful day that so many of us look forward to.
However, Christmas 2020 looks like it’s going to be different like none of us could imagine. This year’s Christmas celebrations clearly indicates that we are much more vulnerable than we thought we were. COVID 19 has proven that we are susceptible to many circumstances that are beyond our control. We forcefully have to adapt to some new norms that include adjusting our customary ways of living, socializing, and doing business. Despite the policies that dictate the new norms, I am sure that many of us will still cease the opportunity to get to congregate, be it for a family gathering, a church service, or just socializing in public. It is with this in mind that I urge everyone to be responsible while socializing particularly during the festive holidays. Remember, one day’s pleasure can account for a lifetime of suffering. While Christmas 2020 may be different to previous years, our norms and characteristics remain unchanged, because that is simply who we are. We are determined to overcome adversity.
While we celebrate in our own ways, we must remain mindful of the reason for this season which calls for caring, sharing and looking out for one another. This is the time of the year when we show love and kindness for our fellow citizens and put aside our differences.
So, I take this opportunity to join my USP colleague in parliament to implore you to maintain that good habit of caring for others and I extend my best wishes to all citizens of St. Maarten/St. Martin and the visitors to our shores for a happy and safe Christmas. I pray that God will continue to bless and protect us during the entire festive season and beyond.

Member of Parliament, Akeem Arrindell.
USP Faction in Parliament.