Fire Dept. approves the sale of Consumer Fireworks as of Dec.29-31. Consumers advised use caution when lighting fireworks.

PHILIPSBURG(DCOMM):--- The Sint Maarten Fire Department, which falls under the Ministry of General Affairs, based on a Council of Minister's decision, has granted permits to Firefly Fireworks allowing them permits to import, transport, and sell consumer fireworks based on the Vuurwerkbesluit AB2013 GT no18.

Sales will start from the 29th until the 31st of December 2020 on the Ring Road across the street from the Blue Point store.

The Fire Department advises all consumers to use caution when lighting consumer fireworks:
- Read the instructions and warnings before usage The vendor will share these to all customers.
- Protect yourself and those around you. Wear proper eye protection and clothing, also keep the fireworks at a safe distance from flammable material and spectators.
- Only use fireworks as intended. Do not try to alter them, combine them nor relight after failure.
- Choose an open area away from gas stations, bulk stations, churches, hospitals, and senior citizens' homes.
- Never light fireworks indoors and point them away from homes, brushes, dry grass, and flammable substances.
- Many animals find fireworks scary. Do not light fireworks around your pets or other animals. Yard/house pets should be placed in a safe area.

In the event, someone gets injured by fireworks, immediately go to a doctor or the hospital.

The Fire Department is cautioning all persons about the risk of buying and lighting fireworks from any other vendor as these have not been screened by the Fire Department and therefore may not meet its safety requirement.

These are considered illegal fireworks and may not meet the criteria of ignition delay and may have way larger explosions or effects than allowed.

Such fireworks can not only cause severe burns and the loss of fingers but even the loss of limbs and life. These illegal fireworks if ignited too close or inside a building may cause severe damage or the collapse of the aforementioned.

The Police will not hesitate to act accordingly in the case of igniting, storage, or sale of illegal fireworks.

The Fire Department together with the Police, Customs, and the Coastguard will be vigilant to ensure that all firework activities at the closing of 2020 are according to the granted permits and used in a safe manner.

The Fire Department would like in advance to thank everybody who has prevented harm or damages by acting responsibly and safely on Sint Maarten and beyond.

The Fire Chief and the entire staff wishes you a healthy and safe 2021.

For any emergencies call: Fire Dept. 919; Police 911; Ambulance 912; Coastguard 913.