Gold SafeSeal for USLAUNDRY.

uslaundry19052021PHILIPSBURG:--- Laundry Service USLAUNDRY today received its Gold SafeSeal for outstanding hygiene practices. SafeSeal is the recognition of best practices in protecting its customers against COVID19 by the St. Maarten Tourism Bureau, St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA), and Medwork.
For the largest laundry on the island, the pandemic required special adjustments and standards different from many other business types. For example, as per its large processing capacity, USLAUNDRY works with conveyor belts and folding tables. Just like its trucks for transport, belts and folding tables have been put under a strict cleaning regime. When handling soiled linen, PPE is obligatory and provided to the staff. Every week, specialist RODAC screens are used to test the linen on proper disinfection.
As their customers expect, USLAUNDRY only works with EU and US-approved chemicals. Washing proceeds according to international Risk Analysis & Biocontamination Control (RABC) norm. The factory has a continuous flow of fresh air through the whole plant. Last but not least, the quality of water is tested regularly by Sint Maarten Laboratory Services. More regular policies pertain to adherence to social distancing measures where possible, and masks being provided in case this is not possible.
Operations Manager Laurine van der Moot is happy the seal can be placed on the USLAUNDRY entrance. “USLAUNDRY has been working in the industry for a long time and with our dedication to hygiene being dynamic to a constant changing environment is essential.”
With their years of experience, making adjustments to changing realities was not new for USLAUNDRY. Earlier, USLAUNDRY switched to the use of alternative combustibles to enable more greener cleaning processes. The company managed to remain compliant with the high international ISO 9001 standard throughout the pandemic.
Van der Moot: “With confidence, we can state that USLAUNDRY has maintained its reputable image by delivering its services on time every time and keeping exceeding expectations.”

USLAUNDRY, like many other companies in the private sector, encourages its staff members to get vaccinated. Information meetings by White Yellow Cross have been held to provide information about the vaccine. Extra days off for employees and transportation to get vaccinated are offered by the laundry. Rapid tests for personnel are available at all times.
For St. Maarten, the SafeSeal checklists per sector have been validated to befit, among others, the guidelines on By highlighting best practice companies, supporting organizations St. Maarten Tourism Bureau, the St Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association and occupational health company Medwork want to spread the word that Sint Maarten is making its best effort to be a safe destination. More information regarding SafeSeal can be found at and travel information updates at